Sunnyside Elementary School- January/February 2018
It was a short two months for me at Sunnyside Elementary. My after school students and students I saw in the classroom settings worked on making Powerpoints.
This general assignment is something I gave to my after school students as well as my 3rd &4th grade students. My students LOVED the idea of creating a powerpoint and went to work straight away. Students enjoy playing around with the design tools, learning how to save & insert photos, and creating something of their own. Unfortunately, only 3 students attended this session because the 5th graders were on a field trip and the 6th graders had just gotten back from camp. Therefore, students worked on this project the next 2 sessions.
2/2- Powerpoint (After School Program)
Students continued to create their powerpoints. During this time, the computer lab had turned into a mess with it being a storage area for NGSS science items and the lost & found. I chose to help clean it up and Mr. Cochran noticed, giving me a shout out in their school newsletter.

Students continued to create their powerpoints. During this time, the computer lab had turned into a mess with it being a storage area for NGSS science items and the lost & found. I chose to help clean it up and Mr. Cochran noticed, giving me a shout out in their school newsletter.

2/12- Video editing for Christina Jackson, Teacher of the Year Nominee
Mr. Cochran, remembered that I am able to edit video and asked me to come in to edit the Sunnyside Teach of the Year nominee, Christina Jackson's video of herself teaching. Ms. Jackson is an amazing teacher and she had taken 3 days of video filming 4 lessons and wanted to squeeze it into a 20 minute video. It was great being able to watch an experienced teacher classroom teach and she did so great with the 3 reads strategy and showed me how NGSS standards are easy to integrate into everyday teaching.
2/23- Powerpoint (4th Grade)

The 4th grade students were more fluent on the computer than the 3rd graders and some even finished before our time was up. Below are some slides that some students made.

2/23- Questions for Skype Session
Students continued to create their powerpoints and when they finished, they researched about Yellowstone National Park coming up with 3 questions they would ask a park ranger. I had arranged in January to have a virtual Skype fieldtrip with a park ranger from Yellowstone and the students were excited as they had no idea that Skype could be used as a learning tool.
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